Monday, June 29, 2015

WEEK 49; June 29, 2015: Witch burning, Feeling loved, and Everyone in Denmark is on vacation

Danish Word of the Week- EN HEKS (een heks) A Witch.

This week was a holiday called Sankt Hans Dag. It comes from back in the day when witch burning was socially acceptable. Once a year, the Danes build the biggest bonfire they can and burn a scarecrow type thing that looks like a witch. It also celebrates the summer solstice, but nobody really pays attention to that. :) Once the fire is a little smaller, they wrap bread dough around big long sticks and cook it-and then you eat the rolls with jam or whatever else you want. It was way fun! We had a huge ward party-everyone said that our bonfire was one of the biggest they've ever seen. This ward is so fun-there are so many kids and they all love hanging out with the missionaries! It makes us feel way loved.

I have pictures...but I don't have my card reader with me. So-look forward to that next week. 

We're still working on finding new people to teach. This time of year is hard because a lot of people are leaving for summer vacation. Most of the people we talk to say, 'Come back in August.' And we're just like... ... ... is there ANYONE staying in Denmark for the month of July? Yes. There are. There have to be! And we will find them.

Præsident and Søster O'Bryant are getting here tomorrow! We have a big Meet the President meeting on Thursday. We're going to do everything they can to make them feel welcome and loved! I can't even imagine how nervous they must be feeling! This is a huge transition! Søster Ripa and I get to go on splits with Sister O'Bryant on Wednesday for a few hours-we're excited to get to know her!

That's basically it for this week-still loving life, still learning lots every day! Love you all so much!

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