Sunday, January 25, 2015

WEEK 23: You're good-lookin' nuns! (said in an Irish accent); D&C 18:15, The worth of MY soul (and YOURS) is GREAT!

Danish Words of the Week: Jesu Kristi Kirke af Sidste Dages Hellige (YEH-soo Cry-stee Keerk-eh eh Sis-teh Days Hell-ee) This is the name of the church.

Hey fam! This week was not as windy, but it was definitely rainy. You asked about coming to pick me up-here's the thing. It's definitely an option, people do it all the time and I would LOVE for you all to see Denmark. But, I come home in January, and from what I've seen of January so far, it is ROUGH!  It's dark and freezing and rainy and windy and cold. This morning it rained and snowed at the same time. Now I have seen everything. :) Denmark is such a beautiful country, and I want you all to see it when it's ACTING beautiful.  But, we can talk about that in a year. :) Let's face it: it would be fun no matter what. 

We met the BEST Irish-man ever while we were contacting the other day. He was really confused about why we stopped him on the street. After we said our schpeel he was like, 'Are ya nuns?' And we were like-'No, no we're not. Sister is just a title we have on our missions...blah blah blah.' and he cut us off and was like, 'Well, I was going to say you're good-lookin' nuns! I might join the convent myself!' And then he walked away into the night leaving me and Sister Reed just DYING laughing. So now any time we feel bad about something, we just remind each other that we are good looking nuns. :)

It's going well here in Frederiksberg! In our mission we keep track of re-activations as well as baptisms, and Søster Reed and I have had 3 members re-activated this month! It's really exciting to see these wonderful people remembering their testimonies and renewing their covenants with God. Last year, our mission saw over 100 re-activations. The church is growing in Denmark! Slowly but surely! :) Our mission president just sent us an email saying that sacrament meeting attendance in Denmark has been going up every quarter (3 months) for the last 2 years! Before that, attendance was in decline. Heavenly Father really is hastening His work all over. It looks different in different parts of the world, but there's no denying that it's happening! It's exciting to be a part of it.

President shared this scripture with us in our personal interviews with him last month. It's one we hear a lot, but he put a little twist on it.

'And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!' D&C 18:15

Ok. So normally when we hear this scripture, especially as missionaries, we think, 'that means I've got to see one baptism or one re-activation, and then I'll be able to experience that joy.' But President asked me, 'Who is that one soul?' After thinking for a little bit, it clicked what he was getting at. 'My own.' Yes, I am out here focusing on serving others and finding other souls to share the gospel with, but MY soul is just as important. The worth of EVERY soul is great in the sight of God.  And if we labor all our days and bring but one soul unto Him, how great shall be our joy! I hope you all remember and know that God cares about you. You are known and loved by Him. Put Him first, and everything else will fall into place.

I love you all! Take care of each other, have fun, and have a great week! 

At the train station by our apartment. Danish sunsets are always amazing!

Me and Pia.  She always walks us out to the corner

There is grafitti everywhere; I love it. Valby. That's the name of our little suburb.

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