Monday, December 1, 2014

WEEK 15: Wind, Cold, Christmas is Coming!! & He Is The Gift

Danish phrase of the week: Det blæser! (day blay-ser) TRANSLATION: IT IS SO WINDY I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THIS KIND OF WIND WAS POSSIBLE.

Seriously. It is so windy. AND COLD! All the time! People keep telling me to buckle up, it's just getting started. Awesome.

Just that much more motivation to stay busy and make sure that we have a lot of teaching appointments so we don't ever have to go outside! :) The members really have been way awesome about feeding us lately. The Relief Society president gave us a shout-out from the pulpit last Sunday. She was like, "Feed the missionaries! It's almost Christmas and it's cold outside!"  I love that woman.

So, our Thanksgiving dinner with the American guy didn't end up happening-his wife had work-bummer-BUT, a Danish family from our ward invited us all over and fed us. They kind of tried to make it like American food, but the only thing kind of traditional Thanksgiving about it was that one of the meats they used was turkey breast. But hey, it was delicious, and we were super grateful for it.

So the church has released a new Christmas video called He Is the Gift! CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!

It's really beautiful, and every mission in the world is getting new pass-along cards that link directly to this video. We've been asked to give out at least 10 a day through the entire month of December. We also share it in members' homes during eating appointments, and it's amazing to feel the Spirit that comes as we watch it. So-share it with your friends! Use Facebook for good :)

I translated my first sacrament meeting yesterday! That was scary-but I prayed a lot of prayers and it actually went really well!

Søster Reed and I have been rocking it. Exciting things are happening in our area and we're learning a lot! Sometimes it's overwhelming to think about all of the things that I need to improve on and how far I still have to go-but I'm trying not to let it get me down and just working on doing a little bit better every day.

I love you all! It sounds like Thanksgiving was so much fun-I'm glad everyone got to be together! Have a fantastic week :)

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