Sunday, March 23, 2014

VIDEO: Opening that Big White Envelope

Hey friends and family, this is my mission blog! This is the place where I'm going to post about getting ready to leave the country for 18 months, and eventually post my weekly emails from the mission field! ...So far it's basically just a lot of paperwork. If I had known how many packets I would have to sign and how many trips to the post office I would have to make, I might not have signed up for this whole mission thing. Kidding. But only kind of.

Anyways, I'm really excited to do this. I know it's going to be hard work, and I know I might get fat-Diana says the pastries in Denmark are unreal, so-there's that...but I know that this is what I'm supposed to do! The moment I finally committed to my decision to serve a mission, all of my fears and anxiety about the future went away. I felt and continue to feel so much peace about it. There have been hard days, for sure, even hard weeks, but I can't forget the confirmation I received that this is what's next in God's plan for me. I can't wait to meet these people and for everything I'm going to learn. I can't wait to see hearts change and to share the Gospel that I love so much!

Here is the video of me opening my mission call!
A couple of disclaimers before you watch this
1. My family was Skyping me on my laptop which is why I'm on the floor and talking to the couch for most of this.
2.Aunt Anna, I don't remember why I shushed you so violently, but know that it was from a place of love and that this was a very tense time for me. I love you.
3. I say "Oh my gosh. OK" about 50 times.
4. Mostly I'm just proud of myself for remembering to brush my hair for the camera. At least my future children will know that I had good hygiene.

ENJOY. Love you all!